Back in the 1950s for those of you that go back that far they had a chart placed on the stage during the service meeting with all the numbers on it. Publishers, hours, back calls, (minimum number requirements) percentages up or down for month to month. I'm sure it was a Knorr Idea.
new boy
JoinedPosts by new boy
Pioneer Hours Update
by Bartolomeo inregular pioneers: 600 per year, 50 on average per month.auxiliary pioneers: 30 hours per monthauxiliary pioneers in march and april: fee reduced to 15 hours.
I decided to Start a New Religion Since It's a Fun Way To Control People and Make Lots Of Money.
by new boy inthe new year is a good time to start things up.
so please help me decide which one of these two thought systems i should start.
i was thinking of two different types.
new boy
The new year is a good time to start things up. So please help me decide which one of these two thought systems I should start. I was thinking of two different types. So let me know which do you like best.
Religion 1
When we first start the church, we will go to countries all over the world and kill people unless they join.
In later years there will be...No birth control, No eating meat on Fridays. We will confess our sins to a priest. Sex before marriage is O.K. as long as they are screwing a fellow church member and confess it to the priest. After which they will have to say 2 hail Mary's and 4 our fathers.
Oh, by the way the priest can't marry, but they can be drunks and have sex with our children...we'll look the other way. Only one meeting a week. People hate lots meetings. Our meetings will be in Latin (something no one understands) We'll believe in Hell Fire, and infant baptism.....and of course there will be lots and lots of GUILT!
Religion 2
This one will have people lining up to join.
We won't have much money in the beginning, so we can't kill people unless they join. So we will need to find our new followers by "going house to house" (yea that's the ticket) looking for really unhappy people.
Our message will be one of "Good News".....and what will that news will be? God is coming to kill off just about everyone. The "Good people" and afterwards his followers will have what is left of the earth and so of course some of your friends or family might get killed off by our God. However don't worry our God in his infinite mercy will erase their memories from your mind. So this God is a really nice guy, just don't piss him off.
Wow! Just like the God in Religion 1
No hell fire, when your dead your dead, no sex before marriage, So people will have to get married really young, usually to the wrong person. No college education, we may change that later. So with no college most of our people will be really stupid and that's a good thing. No holidays or fun things because we are creating this religion for sad and depressed people. We don't want to cheer them up now do we...Remember their only happiness can happen in the future.
We'll need 5 meetings a week...or they may start to question things. We'll keep them busy with lots of meeting and field service looking for new recruits they will be so busy they wont have time to start to question things and our believes. However if they do and change their minds and try to leave us, we will shun them.
Oh yes, there will be lots of GUILT also!
Did I leave anything out?
It's going to be really tough to start these religions up, because people are so much smarter these days, but once they're up and running.....who knows how big they could get.
What do you think?Keith Casarona
For Born-Ins - If You Were 18 Again, What 7 Things Would You do Differently?
by Sea Breeze inhere's mine:.
1. go immediately to college and study construction management.
2. set up an ira and start contributing every year.
new boy
The problem is I was already baptized by the time I eighteen. However....
1 instead of moving to Kansas and pioneering, I would have driven pass Kansas and on to Woodstock New York.
2, At Woodstock I would have listened to some great music and dropped some acid. After opening up my conscience, I would have realized the whole Jehovah's Witnesses thing was bull shit.
3 However because of this course of action I would have lost my 4-D military deferment....and because of that I would have been drafted and sent to Viet Nam were sadly I would have been killed.
The point of all this is what?
It's pointless to play the "what if game" because everything you have gone through in your life adds up to the some total of who you are and what you believe in! Take any of those experiences away and you are no longer you. Your are someone completely different.....a better person a worst person who knows. The road you choose is different, so dream all you want....but truly that is all it really is....isn't it.... a dream.
PS If you are going to dream....dream big make yourself a Hollywood movie star with lots a money....enjoy!
Becoming a JW
by Mum ini rarely post here, but i often check in.
i used to post on h2o as well.
i think i once posted some of this on h2o, but there are many new ones who have joined since then.. i first encountered jw's at the age of 9. it wasn't in the door-to-door work, however.
new boy
"Let God Be True" book.
You must be at least 80 years old now.
Booster shots required for Bethelites and special full time servants?
by PimoElder init’s a shame the gov body did a big u turn on vaccines .
if they continue with the rule that only fully vaxed can go back to the hall then i could have stayed on zoom.
but the term fully vaxed is a moving target, if it’s been like six months since your last shot you are just the same as those of us who are unvaxed .
new boy
If you check the death rates, you will find they are way up....and most of the deaths are not Covid related. However the higher death rates are among the vast majority of of people who have been vaccinated. I was told this by my cousin who is charge of all the nurses at three major hospitals in New York City area.
So for those of you that have got vaccinated good luck....It's a good thing the folks at Wallkill NY have a resurrection hope because it looks like they are going to need it!
"New Boy Life and Death at the World Headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses'
by new boy inmy book was removed from kindle on amazon books for over a year.
i wondered who had the power to do that?
anyway it is back up after paying thousands of dollars in extra fees.
new boy
It want on sell for .99 cent yesterday maybe it takes a day to kick in
"New Boy Life and Death at the World Headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses'
by new boy inmy book was removed from kindle on amazon books for over a year.
i wondered who had the power to do that?
anyway it is back up after paying thousands of dollars in extra fees.
new boy
My book was removed from Kindle on Amazon Books for over a year. I wondered who had the power to do that? Anyway it is back up after paying thousands of dollars in extra fees. So to celebrate this fact, it is back up and discounted to just .99 cents a down load.
Enjoy my friends
Keith Casarona
Randall Watters our old friend
by new boy indoes anyone here know his where about or have any updates on him?
he hasn't been active his face book in over a year.
new boy
True blondie however his last post on Facebook was back in 2019
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
new boy
This whole "bunker" thing was bullshit from the beginning and I told him so. When you think of a crazed maniac stuck in a "bunker" where does your mind take you? That's right the end of world war two with you know who....
Were the bethelites disappointed when they moved out of Brooklyn?
by GabeAthouse inanyone know of anyone who was serving at the time of the move?
i know a few former jw's who were at brooklyn who have told me that the actual bethel experience was kind of a drag but it was kinda cool to experience living in nyc for a couple of years.
i visited a relative who was serving, years ago and went into the apartment he shared.
new boy
Yes the view was great.....especially in the lobby of 124 it was magical. However there was little time to enjoy it when you are working in a slave labor camp making only .73 cents a day.